V380 for PC

Windows 7/8/10 (Desktop)

Enlaces de descarga

How to install V380 for PC?

1. Download the EXE or ZIP file.

2. Install the Emulator Installer application.

3. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.

4. Open the application and leave it to load correctly.

5. Go to the home screen, click and open Google Play.

6. Search for V380 for PC app and start the installation.

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V380 app is a free application that provides you with complete control over your home security cameras. With its easy-to-use interface, real-time video streaming, and advanced features like motion detection and night vision.

V380 app is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a simple and effective way to monitor their property.

Features of the V380 App

Here are some amazing features of the V380 app for PC that you can really enjoy using:

Live Video Streaming: Watch live footage from your cameras in real-time, from anywhere, anytime.

Remote Control: Control your cameras from your smartphone or tablet with just a few taps.

Motion Detection: Set up motion detection alerts and get notified when movement is detected in your home.

Night Vision: See clearly in the dark with the app’s advanced night vision feature.

Two-Way Audio: Talk to anyone in your home through the app, even when you’re away.

How to Use V380 App

Download the app from the Google Play Store or App Store.

Connect your camera to your Wi-Fi network.

Open the V380 app and sign in with your account.

Tap on the camera you want to view and start streaming live video.

Use the app’s control panel to adjust camera settings, like pan, tilt, and zoom.

Turn on motion detection alerts and get notified when movement is detected in your home.

Why You Should Use V380 App for PC

V380 app is a must-have for anyone who wants to keep an eye on their property. With its advanced features and easy-to-use interface, the V380 app is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a simple and effective way to monitor their home.

The app provides real-time video streaming, so you can watch live footage from your cameras anywhere, anytime. You can also control your cameras from your smartphone or tablet, making it easy to adjust camera settings like pan, tilt, and zoom.

In addition, the V380 app has motion detection that sends you alerts when movement is detected in your home. This gives you peace of mind knowing that you will be notified if anything suspicious happens.

The app also has night vision, so you can see clearly in the dark, and two-way audio, so you can talk to anyone in your home through the app, even when you’re away.

With the V380 app, you can have complete control over your home security cameras and monitor your property from anywhere, anytime. So if you’re looking for a simple and effective way to keep your home safe, the V380 app is the way to go.

See Also: Hik-Connect for PC – Download Now

How to Download V380 App on PC Using Amiduos Emulator

If you want to use the V380 app on your PC, you can download it using the Amiduos emulator. Amiduos is an Android emulator that allows you to run Android apps on your Windows PC.


Here’s how you can download and install the V380 app on your PC using the Amiduos emulator:

1. Download and install the Amiduos emulator from their official website.

2. Launch Amiduos and sign in with your Google account.

3. Open the Google Play Store app and search for “V380 app.”

4. Click on the “Install” button and wait for the camera tool to download and install.

5. Once the app is installed, click on the “Open” button to launch V380 app on your PC.

With the Amiduos emulator, you can enjoy the full features of the V380 app on your PC. You can stream live video, control your cameras, and set up motion detection alerts, all from the comfort of your computer. So why wait? Download the Amiduos emulator today and start using the V380 app on your PC!

Conclusion of V380 for PC

V380 app is the ultimate home surveillance solution for anyone looking for an easy and effective way to monitor their property.

With its advanced features and compatibility with the Amiduos emulator, you can enjoy complete control over your cameras from anywhere, anytime.

So download the V380 app today and experience peace of mind like never before!


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