Laya Music Player for PC

Windows 7/8/10 (Laptop)

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How to install Laya Music Player for PC?

1. Download the EXE or ZIP file.

2. Install the Emulator Installer application.

3. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.

4. Open the application and leave it to load correctly.

5. Go to the home screen, click and open Google Play.

6. Search for Laya Music Player for PC app and start the installation.

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According to Forbes a whopping 68% of smartphone users in the world are streaming live music on their phones once a day. However, scrolling through the phone to find your favorite songs could distract you from your most important activities. The best way to avoid any distractions is to set a specific location for your music and what better way than to use a music player?

What is Laya Music Player?

Laya Music Player is a popular music player application that allows users to listen to their favorite songs, manage playlists, and customize their listening experience. The app has been well-received by Android users, but it is also possible to download and use Laya Music Player on a PC with the help of an emulator.

Laya Music Player Features

Laya Music Player is a comprehensive music player application with a range of features that allow users to browse, manage and enjoy their music collection.

Browse and play music by albums, artists, genres, songs, playlists, and folders: This feature allows users to easily navigate their music collection and find the music they want to listen to quickly.

Music search by albums, artists, and songs: Users can search for music within the app using various parameters, making it easy to find specific songs or artists.

Playlist management: The app allows users to create custom playlists and add songs by album, artist, genre, or folder to the playlist, making it easy to organize their music.

Supports all standard music file formats: Laya Music Player supports a range of music file formats, including MP3, AAC, AMR, FLAC, MIDI, Vorbis, and PCM, ensuring that users can play their music regardless of the format.

Five-band equalizer: The app includes a built-in equalizer with five bands, allowing users to adjust the sound quality to their liking.

Bass Boost and 3D surround Virtualizer: These features enhance the listening experience by adding depth and richness to the sound.

Lyric support via the external link: For songs with lyrics, users can view them within the app by linking to external sources.

Easy playback controls using the lock screen widget and Notification bar widget: This feature allows users to control playback without having to open the app, making it more convenient to use.

Headset/Bluetooth button control: Users can control playback using the buttons on their headset or Bluetooth device.

Home screen Widget (4×1), Widget with playlist (4×4): The app includes customizable widgets that can be placed on the home screen, making it easy to access and control playback.

Share Music files by Bluetooth, Gmail, Drive, and many others: Users can share music files with others using various methods, including Bluetooth, Gmail, and Drive.

Podcast support: The app includes support for podcasts, allowing users to listen to their favorite podcasts within the app.

Video file browser: In addition to music files, Laya Music Player can also browse and play video files, making it a versatile media player.

Overall, Laya Music Player is a feature-rich music player application that offers a range of functions to enhance the listening experience. From browsing and organizing music to customizing the sound quality, the app provides a comprehensive solution for music lovers.

How to Download Laya Music Player for PC using Amiduos emulator

Here are the steps to download and use Laya Music Player on a PC using the Amiduos emulator:

Step 1: Download and install Amiduos

To download Amiduos, go to the official website ( and select the version of Amiduos that corresponds to your PC’s operating system. Once downloaded, double-click on the file to start the installation process, and follow the prompts to install Amiduos on your computer.


Step 2: Download the Laya Music Player APK

To download the Laya Music Player APK, go to a reputable website that offers the app, such as or Once you have found a trustworthy website, download the Laya Music Player APK file onto your computer.

Step 3: Install Laya Music Player on Amiduos

To install Laya Music Player on Amiduos, open Amiduos by double-clicking on the Amiduos icon on your desktop. Once Amiduos has opened, click on the “Add APK” button on the right side of the screen. Select the Laya Music Player APK file that you downloaded in Step 2, and click on “Open” to start the installation process.

Step 4: Open Laya Music Player

Once Laya Music Player has been installed on Amiduos, you can open the app by clicking on the app icon on the Amiduos home screen. Once the app has opened, you can start using Laya Music Player on your PC.

Pros Cons
Supports multiple audio formats such as MP3, FLAC, and WAV No equalizer or audio effects
Easy to use and navigate interface Limited customization options
Supports cloud storage services like Google Drive and Dropbox Ad-supported free version
Gapless playback for seamless listening experience Limited sorting and organization options
Shuffle and repeat options available No lyrics support
Lightweight and does not consume much storage or battery No option to edit metadata


Laya Music Player is a versatile and feature-packed music player application that is popular among Android users. While the app is not officially available for PC use, it is possible to download and use the app on a PC using an emulator such as Amiduos. With the steps outlined above, users can enjoy their music on a larger screen and with a range of customizable features.

Also Read: How to Install Avee Music Player on PC


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