I get the error VT in not enabled even trough my processor supports VT (Topic)

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  • #264
    Amiduos Team

    The error “VT is not enabled” typically occurs when the virtualization technology required by the AmiDuOS Android emulator is not enabled in the BIOS. If you are receiving this error message, even though your processor supports virtualization technology, here are a few possible solutions:

    • Update BIOS: Sometimes the virtualization technology option may not be available in the current version of the BIOS. Check for updates for your computer’s BIOS and install the latest version if available.
    • Check the BIOS settings: Make sure that the virtualization technology is enabled in the BIOS settings. If it is disabled, enable it as explained in the previous tutorial.
    • Disable security software: Some security software, such as antivirus and firewall programs, may block or interfere with virtualization technology. Temporarily disable any security software and try running the emulator again.
    • Check the system requirements: Make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for running the AmiDuOS emulator. These requirements include having a compatible processor that supports virtualization technology and having sufficient RAM and storage.
    • Reinstall the emulator: If all else fails, try uninstalling the AmiDuOS emulator and reinstalling it. This may resolve any configuration or compatibility issues that are preventing the emulator from functioning correctly.

    If these solutions do not resolve the issue, it may be helpful to contact the AmiDuOS support for further assistance. They may be able to provide specific guidance or troubleshooting steps based on your particular setup and configuration.

    Also Read: Enabling Virtualization Technology In Dell Systems (Topic)

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