Do I need administrative privileges to install Duos (Topic)

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  • #278
    Amiduos Team

    Yes, you need administrative privileges to install the Amiduos emulator on your computer. The installation process requires elevated permissions to install and configure the required components, drivers, and settings on your system.

    To install Amiduos, you need to have an account with administrative privileges on your computer. If you don’t have administrative privileges, you will need to contact your system administrator or the person responsible for managing your computer to install the software for you.

    Once you have administrative privileges, you can start the installation process by downloading the Amiduos installer, double-clicking on the downloaded file, and following the on-screen instructions. Make sure to read and agree to the terms and conditions before installing the software.

    If you can’t if you have any more questions and queries about the Amiduos emulator, you can submit a support ticket to the Amiduos support team.

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